EU Mobility
As an EEA national you have a right to come and live or work or study in Spain without any restrictions. You can reside here for up to three months, or longer if you are a qualified person. The category of qualified people includes workers, self-employed and self-sufficient people and students. Your family, whether European nationals themselves or not, can come with you or join you, subject to certain restrictions. There are two groups of family members: direct family members and extended family, and different rules apply to each.
Family members of a qualified person may retain their rights to residence in the Spain in a wide range of circumstances, even where the qualified person dies or a marriage or partnership breaks down.
EEA nationals and their family members have rights to documentation providing evidence of their status. After five years’ residence in the Spain relying on your rights as an EEA national, you can apply for permanent residence. Later, if you wish, you can apply for Spanish citizenship.
EU Registration Certificate
Residence permit as a Family member of EU Citizen
Residence permit for unmarried partners of EU Citizen
Retention of EU rights after divorce
Blue Card
EU Long Term residence Permit
Post Workers
Taxes in Spain are levied by national (federal), regional and local governments. A wide range of taxes are levied on different sources, the most important ones being income tax, corporate tax, value added tax; some of them are applied at national level and others at national and regional levels. Most national and regional taxes are collected by the Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria which is the bureau responsible for collecting taxes at the national level.
Other minor taxes like property transfer tax (regional), real property tax (local), road tax (local) are collected directly by regional or local administrations.
The tax year in Spain follows the calendar year (1st January to 31st December). The tax collection method depends on the tax; some of them are collected by self assessment, but others (i.e. income tax) follow a system of PAYE with monthly withholdings that follow a self assessment at the end of the term.
You will become liable for tax as a resident of Spain if:
- You spend more than 183 cumulative days in one calendar year in Spain. Or
- Your centre of economic interests is in Spain, i.e. the base for your economic or professional activities is in Spain or
- Your centre of vital interests is in Spain, i.e. your spouse lives in Spain and you are not legally separated, and/or your dependent minor children live in Spain.
As a resident of Spain you will be liable for tax on your worldwide income at scale rates after any available allowances and deductions.
Entering the Spanish market
Residents Income Tax preparation
Non Residents Income Tax preparation
VAT submission
Real Estate Investments
Corporate Tax
Tax litigation
Inheritance & Donation tax
Informative reports
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As a EEA national entering the labour market in Spain for the first time you have to register with the social security service and join the insurance scheme. Registration with the social security service is compulsory. It is done once only, when the person begins to work for the first time, and is valid for his or her entire working life.
As a general rule a person must be employed and paying contributions in order to be entitled to benefits. That is why if your status in Spain is self-sufficient, you will be asked to have a private Health Insurance.
However, the social security system in Spain has two levels or types of protection: the contributory system and the non-contributory system. Contributory system includes Health Care, Sickness cash benefits, Maternity and paternity benefits, Contributory retirement pensions and Unemployment assistance, among others.
Non-contributory benefits include: Medical assistance, retirement and disability allowances, family allowances and non-contributory maternity allowance among others.
Anyone who disagrees with the decision of a social security organisation can submit a complaint to that organisation, within thirty days from the time of notification of the decision. If the organisation rejects the complaint, an appeal to the local social security tribunal (Juzgado de lo social) is available. As a further step, a claim can be lodged at the Higher Court of Justice of the Autonomous Community to which the social security tribunal belongs.
If you are a posted worker, because you are sent by your employer to work in another country, you will remain insured under the legislation of your country of origin if you fulfill the conditions which apply to posted workers.
This means that you can work there up to a maximum of 24 months on behalf of your employer who is based in the sending country. Before leaving, you should make sure you get an ‘A1’ document which certifies that you are covered by the legislation of the country from which you are posted.
This solution aims at avoiding frequent changes in your social security situation in the case of short periods of work abroad. The same provisions apply to self-employed persons who temporarily perform a similar activity in another country.
Registration with the Social Security to obtain the Insurance Number
Registration as a self-employed
Obtaining A1 document if you are a posted worker
Social Security Appeals
Informative reports